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Here you'll find links to the official ​​curriculum documents for Languages throughout the country, at state/territory and national level.

Australian Curriculum: Languages

Australian Curriculum: Languages

Provides curriculum of the Languages learning area in general, and curricula for several single languages from levels F (Foundation) to 10, including a framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages.

ACARA: Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority


State and Territory Languages Curricula F-10

Some states and territories have in place, or are in the process of developing, their own State/Territory curricula for Languages, based on the Australian Curriculum: Languages.

 VIC  |  ACT  |  NSW  |  WA  |  QLD  

Senior Secondary Languages Curriculum

Senior curriculum for Languages is managed at state/territory level.

Refer to the website of the respective curriculum authority/board of studies in your state/territory. You would also find past Year 12 exam papers and examination reports there for your reference.

VIC | QLD  |  NSW  |  SA  |  WA 

A significant number of schools in Australia follow the International Baccalaureate curriculum, for one or all of its programs. The 4 IB programs are: PYP (Primary Years Program), MYP (Middle Years program), DP (Diploma Program) and CP (Career-related Program). The IBO provides its own curricula, including Languages.

The IB in Australia  | IB Online Curriculum Centre

International Baccalaureate

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