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The free grammar exercises featured on Italiano Online can be used to inspire recap activities and worksheets.


Think Italian is an online magazine (paid subscription required) that focuses on Italian culture. Its articles can be used to introduce students to new vocabulary and different ways of using their prior grammar knowledge.


Anki is an online SRS (spaced repetition system) tool that can be useful in reinforcing any new grammar and vocabulary introduced. Language teachers can create their own deck of flashcards related to a lesson and give the link to their students. Alternatively, students can be challenged to take additional responsibility for their learning by using the system to create their own learning flashcards.


Cultura Italiana is an online grammar resource with plenty of exercises.


BBC Italian is a free English resource that collates a selection of resources.

​ offers a selection of learning materials for both children and adults.


Matdid is a site offered by Scudit, the School of Italian in Rome. It provides free Italian teaching resources for foreigners.


World of Languages has some development activities around Italian (and other languages).


Giochiamo insieme! Let's Play Together!

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